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Electric Vehicles Research
Posted on September 13, 2017 by  &  with 1 Comment

Large companies target energy independent electric vehicles

The IDTechEx report, Energy Independent Electric Vehicles Land, Water, Air 2017-2037 covers markets, technology timelines, energy harvesting and extreme powertrain efficiency involved. Constantly updated, it now reveals backing of many large companies.
Attend the first EIV event
IDTechEx is staging the world's first conference and exhibition on Energy Independent Electric Vehicles 27-28 September at the Technical University of Delft, Netherlands, where the most advanced solar racing cars and boats are made. Key research is carried out. Toyota is a keynote speaker and there are six masterclasses on the vehicles and key enabling technologies on 26 and 29 September. Sono Motors Germany presents on, "Sion: a Solar Car for Everyone".
Fiat Central Research former Director Professor Pietro Perlo, now president of I-FEVS, presents on, "The Path Towards More And More Energy Independent Fully Electric Vehicles: Examples Of Safe-Secure-Efficient Road, Air And Water Vehicles". This presentation addresses the developments of fully electric vehicles characterized by their efficiency, ability to recovery kinetic energy and harvest renewable energy. He says, "I shall show developed examples of novel bikes and road vehicles. New concepts will be presented for other transport modalities. Their manufacturing is planned in his new energy independent robot microfactories optimised for easy replication anywhere. They enable manufacture of state of-the-art vehicles without the usual constraints".
Marine and airborne EIVs in action
Naval DC presents its many energy-independent electric boats. KiteNRG, Kitepower, TU Delft and International Windship Association cover proposed zero emission, energy-independent electric ships with solar decks and Airborne Wind Energy (AWE). The disgraceful carbon dioxide, particulate and acid gas emissions of a large ship span from that of 40,000 to one million cars. Kitemill Norway reveals its drone-based AWE, an energy positive 30 kW to 100 kW EIV, capable of providing more consistent, more widely deployable wind power on land and sea. First AWE commercialisation is next year.
Professor Farboud Khoshnoud of California State University says, "I shall introduce a new approach to inflated solar aerial vehicles, self-powered dynamic systems, bio-inspired micro air vehicles". IDTechEx shares its market research on the huge upper-atmosphere EIV drones of Facebook, Airbus, Boeing, Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin.
Top image: Nuon Solar
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