Hosted by IDTechEx
Electric Vehicles Research
May 24, 2017
Runaway Adoption of Pure Electric Vehicles: Multiple Triggers

Runaway Adoption of Pure Electric Vehicles: Multiple Triggers

It has long been speculated that electric vehicle adoption may have a sudden tipping point of adoption. IDTechEx pointed out that incentives help as does reaching lower cost of ownership but lower up-front price is the killer blow.
Electric Vehicles Research
May 19, 2017
Report from the IDTechEx Show! Berlin, Germany 2017

Report from the IDTechEx Show! Berlin, Germany 2017

Strong positive feedback and growth at Europe's most important event on emerging technologies
Electric Vehicles Research
May 19, 2017
New pollution horrors boost electric vehicle adoption

New pollution horrors boost electric vehicle adoption

Over the last few years, the damage caused by vehicle pollution has been understood ever more clearly and each new discovery provides another reason to hasten the adoption of electric powertrains in land vehicles, marine craft and aircraft.
Electric Vehicles Research
May 15, 2017
Electric Vehicle News from IDTechEx Show! Berlin May 2017

Electric Vehicle News from IDTechEx Show! Berlin May 2017

The successful "IDTechEx Show!" in Berlin with nearly 3000 paying delegates, nine parallel conferences, 25 masterclasses and a large exhibition had a huge amount for the electric vehicle enthusiast.
Electric Vehicles Research
May 15, 2017
Energy Harvesting Surprises at IDTechEx Show! Berlin

Energy Harvesting Surprises at IDTechEx Show! Berlin

The successful "IDTechEx Show!" in Berlin with nearly 3000 paying delegates, nine parallel conferences and a large exhibition had a huge amount for the energy harvesting enthusiast.
Electric Vehicles Research
May 10, 2017
Cleverer smart windows grow $6.5 billion market

Cleverer smart windows grow $6.5 billion market

The new IDTechEx report, Electrically Active Smart Glass and Windows 2018-2028 observes that electrically active see-through glass is an idea whose time has come.
Electric Vehicles Research
May 3, 2017
IDTechEx Show! Exhibition Grows by 30%

IDTechEx Show! Exhibition Grows by 30%

On May 10-11 an estimated 3,000 people from over 40 countries will meet at the Estrel Convention Centre in Berlin to discuss the commercialization of a diverse range of emerging technologies.
Electric Vehicles Research
May 2, 2017
EV forecasts turn upwards

EV forecasts turn upwards

From its facts based research, IDTechEx has what some regarded as over-optimistic forecasts for electric cars. However, others are now matching or exceeding our optimism.
Electric Vehicles Research
Apr 27, 2017
ACS Forecourt Conference Report Birmingham UK 26 April

ACS Forecourt Conference Report Birmingham UK 26 April

This conference concerned petrol stations in the UK. They have collapsed in number from 35,948 in 1971 to a mere 8,434 today. The collapse would have been worse were it not for hypermarkets opening new stations.
Electric Vehicles Research
Apr 26, 2017
Toyota, ARM, VF Global, Galvani Bioelectronics to Open IDTechEx Show!

Toyota, ARM, VF Global, Galvani Bioelectronics to Open IDTechEx Show!

The IDTechEx Show! in Berlin, Germany on 10-11 May is Europe's most important event for those involved in technology scouting and product innovation, bringing together emerging technologies with global brands.
Electric Vehicles Research
Apr 12, 2017
Solar fuels: an industry in infancy

Solar fuels: an industry in infancy

IDTechEx analyst Dr Laura Baers gives an overview of solar fuels and explains why artificial photosynthesis is still difficult to bring to market.
Electric Vehicles Research
Apr 11, 2017
Electricity Producing Drones

Electricity Producing Drones

They call it Airborne Wind Energy (AWE). It started with kites flying higher than a conventional wind turbine to create electricity from the familiar figure of eight trajectory where winds are much stronger and more consistent than those tapped by conventional wind turbines on land or even offshore.
Electric Vehicles Research
Apr 7, 2017
Manned Electric Aircraft: Progress and Potential

Manned Electric Aircraft: Progress and Potential

Recently, there has been a sharp increase in development activity with electric aircraft, as examined in the new report from IDTechEx Research, Manned Electric Aircraft 2017-2027.
Electric Vehicles Research
Apr 5, 2017
48V mild hybrid: Greater ambitions now

48V mild hybrid: Greater ambitions now

IDTechEx are at the Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Conference in Sindlefingen, Germany where 48V mild hybrids are rightly a strong focus.
Electric Vehicles Research
Mar 31, 2017
Mercedes fast forward on battery cars

Mercedes fast forward on battery cars

In the IDTechEx report,"Fuel Cell Vehicles 2016-2026" we predicted that the window of opportunity for fuel cell vehicles is closing as battery pure electric vehicles grab their target markets.
Electric Vehicles Research
Mar 30, 2017
Hybrid taxis produced in UK

Hybrid taxis produced in UK

China may be gearing up to have 100,000 pure electric taxis with zero emissions in use soon but at least the iconic British black cab is going to be made in Britain as a hybrid - by a Chinese company.
Electric Vehicles Research
Mar 29, 2017
London taxi pollution

London taxi pollution

For the first time, air pollution in the UK is now primarily caused by road vehicles. Legal limits for the year were exceeded in the first four days of the 2017. London schools are being built where the children are forced to suck in four times the approved amount of acid gas.
Electric Vehicles Research
Mar 28, 2017
Airborne Wind Energy: sophisticated technology, primitive marketing

Airborne Wind Energy: sophisticated technology, primitive marketing

The technology of Airborne Wind Energy AWE has progressed in leaps and bounds recently as many developers prepare to sell them.
Electric Vehicles Research
Mar 24, 2017
Autonomous vehicles reinvented

Autonomous vehicles reinvented

ARM is at the top of its game and its remarkable advances lead the field in most of the sectors covered in the forthcoming IDTechEx Show! May 10-11, with its 3000 paying delegates, 200 exhibitors and 225 presentations in nine parallel conferences. That is why ARM is giving a cornerstone presentation at the start of all of them.
Electric Vehicles Research
Mar 15, 2017
London chokes: action pathetic

London chokes: action pathetic

The recent meeting of the SMMT EV Group in London revealed just how far the capital is from a plan let alone adequate action to prevent the 10,000 deaths yearly from vehicle emissions, now the top emissions killer.
Electric Vehicles Research
May 24, 2017
Runaway Adoption of Pure Electric Vehicles: Multiple Triggers

Runaway Adoption of Pure Electric Vehicles: Multiple Triggers

It has long been speculated that electric vehicle adoption may have a sudden tipping point of adoption. IDTechEx pointed out that incentives help as does reaching lower cost of ownership but lower up-front price is the killer blow.
Electric Vehicles Research
May 19, 2017
New pollution horrors boost electric vehicle adoption

New pollution horrors boost electric vehicle adoption

Over the last few years, the damage caused by vehicle pollution has been understood ever more clearly and each new discovery provides another reason to hasten the adoption of electric powertrains in land vehicles, marine craft and aircraft.
Electric Vehicles Research
May 15, 2017
Energy Harvesting Surprises at IDTechEx Show! Berlin

Energy Harvesting Surprises at IDTechEx Show! Berlin

The successful "IDTechEx Show!" in Berlin with nearly 3000 paying delegates, nine parallel conferences and a large exhibition had a huge amount for the energy harvesting enthusiast.
Electric Vehicles Research
May 3, 2017
IDTechEx Show! Exhibition Grows by 30%

IDTechEx Show! Exhibition Grows by 30%

On May 10-11 an estimated 3,000 people from over 40 countries will meet at the Estrel Convention Centre in Berlin to discuss the commercialization of a diverse range of emerging technologies.
Electric Vehicles Research
Apr 27, 2017
ACS Forecourt Conference Report Birmingham UK 26 April

ACS Forecourt Conference Report Birmingham UK 26 April

This conference concerned petrol stations in the UK. They have collapsed in number from 35,948 in 1971 to a mere 8,434 today. The collapse would have been worse were it not for hypermarkets opening new stations.
Electric Vehicles Research
Apr 12, 2017
Solar fuels: an industry in infancy

Solar fuels: an industry in infancy

IDTechEx analyst Dr Laura Baers gives an overview of solar fuels and explains why artificial photosynthesis is still difficult to bring to market.
Electric Vehicles Research
Apr 7, 2017
Manned Electric Aircraft: Progress and Potential

Manned Electric Aircraft: Progress and Potential

Recently, there has been a sharp increase in development activity with electric aircraft, as examined in the new report from IDTechEx Research, Manned Electric Aircraft 2017-2027.
Electric Vehicles Research
Mar 31, 2017
Mercedes fast forward on battery cars

Mercedes fast forward on battery cars

In the IDTechEx report,"Fuel Cell Vehicles 2016-2026" we predicted that the window of opportunity for fuel cell vehicles is closing as battery pure electric vehicles grab their target markets.
Electric Vehicles Research
Mar 29, 2017
London taxi pollution

London taxi pollution

For the first time, air pollution in the UK is now primarily caused by road vehicles. Legal limits for the year were exceeded in the first four days of the 2017. London schools are being built where the children are forced to suck in four times the approved amount of acid gas.
Electric Vehicles Research
Mar 24, 2017
Autonomous vehicles reinvented

Autonomous vehicles reinvented

ARM is at the top of its game and its remarkable advances lead the field in most of the sectors covered in the forthcoming IDTechEx Show! May 10-11, with its 3000 paying delegates, 200 exhibitors and 225 presentations in nine parallel conferences. That is why ARM is giving a cornerstone presentation at the start of all of them.
Electric Vehicles Research
May 19, 2017
Report from the IDTechEx Show! Berlin, Germany 2017

Report from the IDTechEx Show! Berlin, Germany 2017

Strong positive feedback and growth at Europe's most important event on emerging technologies
Electric Vehicles Research
May 15, 2017
Electric Vehicle News from IDTechEx Show! Berlin May 2017

Electric Vehicle News from IDTechEx Show! Berlin May 2017

The successful "IDTechEx Show!" in Berlin with nearly 3000 paying delegates, nine parallel conferences, 25 masterclasses and a large exhibition had a huge amount for the electric vehicle enthusiast.
Electric Vehicles Research
May 10, 2017
Cleverer smart windows grow $6.5 billion market

Cleverer smart windows grow $6.5 billion market

The new IDTechEx report, Electrically Active Smart Glass and Windows 2018-2028 observes that electrically active see-through glass is an idea whose time has come.
Electric Vehicles Research
May 2, 2017
EV forecasts turn upwards

EV forecasts turn upwards

From its facts based research, IDTechEx has what some regarded as over-optimistic forecasts for electric cars. However, others are now matching or exceeding our optimism.
Electric Vehicles Research
Apr 26, 2017
Toyota, ARM, VF Global, Galvani Bioelectronics to Open IDTechEx Show!

Toyota, ARM, VF Global, Galvani Bioelectronics to Open IDTechEx Show!

The IDTechEx Show! in Berlin, Germany on 10-11 May is Europe's most important event for those involved in technology scouting and product innovation, bringing together emerging technologies with global brands.
Electric Vehicles Research
Apr 11, 2017
Electricity Producing Drones

Electricity Producing Drones

They call it Airborne Wind Energy (AWE). It started with kites flying higher than a conventional wind turbine to create electricity from the familiar figure of eight trajectory where winds are much stronger and more consistent than those tapped by conventional wind turbines on land or even offshore.
Electric Vehicles Research
Apr 5, 2017
48V mild hybrid: Greater ambitions now

48V mild hybrid: Greater ambitions now

IDTechEx are at the Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Conference in Sindlefingen, Germany where 48V mild hybrids are rightly a strong focus.
Electric Vehicles Research
Mar 30, 2017
Hybrid taxis produced in UK

Hybrid taxis produced in UK

China may be gearing up to have 100,000 pure electric taxis with zero emissions in use soon but at least the iconic British black cab is going to be made in Britain as a hybrid - by a Chinese company.
Electric Vehicles Research
Mar 28, 2017
Airborne Wind Energy: sophisticated technology, primitive marketing

Airborne Wind Energy: sophisticated technology, primitive marketing

The technology of Airborne Wind Energy AWE has progressed in leaps and bounds recently as many developers prepare to sell them.
Electric Vehicles Research
Mar 15, 2017
London chokes: action pathetic

London chokes: action pathetic

The recent meeting of the SMMT EV Group in London revealed just how far the capital is from a plan let alone adequate action to prevent the 10,000 deaths yearly from vehicle emissions, now the top emissions killer.
More IDTechEx Journals