A paper just published in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, proposes electromagnetic active suspension system, providing additional stability and manoeuvrability by performing active roll and pitch control during cornering and braking thus eliminating road irregularities.
Various technologies are compared with the proposed electromagnetic suspension system that uses a tubular permanent-magnet actuator (TPMA) with a passive spring. Various specifications for the design of an electromagnetic suspension system are derived, based on on-road measurements and results from the literature.
The measured on-road movement of the passive suspension system has been reproduced by electromagnetic actuation on a quarter car setup, proving the dynamic capabilities of such an electromagnetic suspension system, say the authors, who are at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven.
At the forthcoming IDTechEx event Future of Electric Vehicles, Levant Power Corporation, an MIT spinoff will report on energy harvesting shock absorbers.
Image: University of Technology in the Netherlands.
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At the forthcoming IDTechEx event Future of Electric Vehicles, Levant Power Systems, an MIT spinoff will report on energy harvesting shock absorbers.