Hosted by IDTechEx
Electric Vehicles Research
Sep 25, 2015
Small electric vehicles $33 billion market

Small electric vehicles $33 billion market

Small manned electric vehicles - e-bikes to car-like micro EVs - often sell in the largest numbers. Although they are usually lower in cost than regular cars, they will reach over $33 billion in 2026 according to IDTechEx analysis.
Electric Vehicles Research
Sep 17, 2015
Exotic new sources of free electricity: $50 billion market

Exotic new sources of free electricity: $50 billion market

High Power Energy Harvesting (HPEH) is a term beginning to be used for creation of electricity where it is needed using ambient "free" energy. That zero-pollution, high-energy conversion typically captures light (photovoltaics), heat difference (thermoelectrics and heat pumps) and movement (electrodynamics).
Electric Vehicles Research
Aug 28, 2015
Wireless charging 2016-2026

Wireless charging 2016-2026

IDTechEx Research's brand new report analyses and forecasts the wireless charging market for electric vehicles and small electronics.
Electric Vehicles Research
Aug 20, 2015
Electric buses: technology winners and losers

Electric buses: technology winners and losers

A trillion dollar opportunity to 2035, electric buses are being completely reinvented because they are the electric vehicle sector already attracting billion dollar orders and they can prevent millions of deaths and injuries from air pollution.
Electric Vehicles Research
Aug 20, 2015
Multi-mode energy harvesting

Multi-mode energy harvesting

It seems obvious; energy harvesting is intermittent, so combine different types to make it continuous and therefore much more useful.
Electric Vehicles Research
Aug 18, 2015
High power energy harvesting takes shape

High power energy harvesting takes shape

Plenty of kilowatts from no fuel. This dream ticket is a reality today from the rapid adoption of high power energy harvesting. Energy harvesting converts ambient energy into electricity where it is needed, off-grid.
Electric Vehicles Research
Aug 13, 2015
Energy harvesting gets powerful

Energy harvesting gets powerful

The term 'energy harvesting' is most typically applied to powering small electronic devices using say sunshine, vibration or temperature.
Electric Vehicles Research
Aug 12, 2015
48V vehicle systems becoming significant

48V vehicle systems becoming significant

Analysts IDTechEx almost completely rewrote their report Power Electronics for Electric Vehicles 2015-2025 this year and frequent updates take place, such is the pace of change.
Electric Vehicles Research
Jul 27, 2015
Electric buses: crucible of change

Electric buses: crucible of change

Buses are now a crucible of change, often adopting new technology before cars.
Electric Vehicles Research
Jul 27, 2015
High power energy harvesting becomes significant

High power energy harvesting becomes significant

High Power Energy Harvesting: Off-Grid 10W-100kW 2016-2026 is the title of a new IDTechEx report examining a newly significant off-grid energy market.
Electric Vehicles Research
Jul 24, 2015
Future Electric Vehicle Anatomy: Complete Change

Future Electric Vehicle Anatomy: Complete Change

Totally different. Everything that constitutes a hybrid or pure electric vehicle will change beyond recognition, advises analyst group IDTechEx.
Electric Vehicles Research
Jun 18, 2015
Electric vehicle power electronics: divergent approaches

Electric vehicle power electronics: divergent approaches

The power electronics business as applied to electric vehicles is becoming so huge that very divergent approaches become viable.
Electric Vehicles Research
Jun 11, 2015
Supercapacitors with batteries or fuel cells: result happiness

Supercapacitors with batteries or fuel cells: result happiness

IDTechEx interviews in Japan have established that supercapacitors across lithium-ion batteries in cars can increase range by 10% by permitting deep discharge, provided suitable batteries are used that can tolerate such a regime.
Electric Vehicles Research
Jun 5, 2015
Fuel cell electric vehicles 2015-2030: surprises continue

Fuel cell electric vehicles 2015-2030: surprises continue

This article shares some of the findings of the new IDTechEx Research report, Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles 2015-2030: Land, Water, Air and some of what will be discussed in the forthcoming IDTechEx webinar on 9th June.
Electric Vehicles Research
May 28, 2015
Webinar 9 June: Fuel Cell Vehicles 2015-2030

Webinar 9 June: Fuel Cell Vehicles 2015-2030

IDTechEx are hosting a free webinar on Tuesday 9 June 2015.
Electric Vehicles Research
May 15, 2015
Highlights of IDTechEx Show! Electric Vehicles: Everything is Changing

Highlights of IDTechEx Show! Electric Vehicles: Everything is Changing

IDTechEx's Electric Vehicles: Everything is Changing, conference was successfully held during the 28th and 29th of April 2015 in Berlin.
Electric Vehicles Research
May 12, 2015
Future electric motorcycles

Future electric motorcycles

"Future Electric is unlikely to be the final name of our company," said CEO Jasper Vind in our interview at EVS28 in Korea last week.
Electric Vehicles Research
Apr 24, 2015
IDTechEx: Invest now in fuel cell vehicles?

IDTechEx: Invest now in fuel cell vehicles?

There is divided opinion on future of traction fuel cells in electric vehicles, though few argue any more that they will power the majority of electric vehicles.
Electric Vehicles Research
Apr 17, 2015
IDTechEx analyses the high stakes of the future automotive industry

IDTechEx analyses the high stakes of the future automotive industry

Why BASF sues Umicore, Toyota launches fuel cell cars, VW buys a solid state battery company and all car companies are rushing behind Google for automation? The bigger picture of the high stakes of the future automotive industry.
Electric Vehicles Research
Apr 9, 2015
New energy harvesting for vehicles and devices: huge business

New energy harvesting for vehicles and devices: huge business

Energy harvesting is the creation of electricity from ambient energy. IDTechEx Show! covers it all in one place.
Electric Vehicles Research
Sep 25, 2015
Small electric vehicles $33 billion market

Small electric vehicles $33 billion market

Small manned electric vehicles - e-bikes to car-like micro EVs - often sell in the largest numbers. Although they are usually lower in cost than regular cars, they will reach over $33 billion in 2026 according to IDTechEx analysis.
Electric Vehicles Research
Aug 28, 2015
Wireless charging 2016-2026

Wireless charging 2016-2026

IDTechEx Research's brand new report analyses and forecasts the wireless charging market for electric vehicles and small electronics.
Electric Vehicles Research
Aug 20, 2015
Multi-mode energy harvesting

Multi-mode energy harvesting

It seems obvious; energy harvesting is intermittent, so combine different types to make it continuous and therefore much more useful.
Electric Vehicles Research
Aug 13, 2015
Energy harvesting gets powerful

Energy harvesting gets powerful

The term 'energy harvesting' is most typically applied to powering small electronic devices using say sunshine, vibration or temperature.
Electric Vehicles Research
Jul 27, 2015
Electric buses: crucible of change

Electric buses: crucible of change

Buses are now a crucible of change, often adopting new technology before cars.
Electric Vehicles Research
Jul 24, 2015
Future Electric Vehicle Anatomy: Complete Change

Future Electric Vehicle Anatomy: Complete Change

Totally different. Everything that constitutes a hybrid or pure electric vehicle will change beyond recognition, advises analyst group IDTechEx.
Electric Vehicles Research
Jun 11, 2015
Supercapacitors with batteries or fuel cells: result happiness

Supercapacitors with batteries or fuel cells: result happiness

IDTechEx interviews in Japan have established that supercapacitors across lithium-ion batteries in cars can increase range by 10% by permitting deep discharge, provided suitable batteries are used that can tolerate such a regime.
Electric Vehicles Research
May 28, 2015
Webinar 9 June: Fuel Cell Vehicles 2015-2030

Webinar 9 June: Fuel Cell Vehicles 2015-2030

IDTechEx are hosting a free webinar on Tuesday 9 June 2015.
Electric Vehicles Research
May 12, 2015
Future electric motorcycles

Future electric motorcycles

"Future Electric is unlikely to be the final name of our company," said CEO Jasper Vind in our interview at EVS28 in Korea last week.
Electric Vehicles Research
Apr 17, 2015
IDTechEx analyses the high stakes of the future automotive industry

IDTechEx analyses the high stakes of the future automotive industry

Why BASF sues Umicore, Toyota launches fuel cell cars, VW buys a solid state battery company and all car companies are rushing behind Google for automation? The bigger picture of the high stakes of the future automotive industry.
Electric Vehicles Research
Sep 17, 2015
Exotic new sources of free electricity: $50 billion market

Exotic new sources of free electricity: $50 billion market

High Power Energy Harvesting (HPEH) is a term beginning to be used for creation of electricity where it is needed using ambient "free" energy. That zero-pollution, high-energy conversion typically captures light (photovoltaics), heat difference (thermoelectrics and heat pumps) and movement (electrodynamics).
Electric Vehicles Research
Aug 20, 2015
Electric buses: technology winners and losers

Electric buses: technology winners and losers

A trillion dollar opportunity to 2035, electric buses are being completely reinvented because they are the electric vehicle sector already attracting billion dollar orders and they can prevent millions of deaths and injuries from air pollution.
Electric Vehicles Research
Aug 18, 2015
High power energy harvesting takes shape

High power energy harvesting takes shape

Plenty of kilowatts from no fuel. This dream ticket is a reality today from the rapid adoption of high power energy harvesting. Energy harvesting converts ambient energy into electricity where it is needed, off-grid.
Electric Vehicles Research
Aug 12, 2015
48V vehicle systems becoming significant

48V vehicle systems becoming significant

Analysts IDTechEx almost completely rewrote their report Power Electronics for Electric Vehicles 2015-2025 this year and frequent updates take place, such is the pace of change.
Electric Vehicles Research
Jul 27, 2015
High power energy harvesting becomes significant

High power energy harvesting becomes significant

High Power Energy Harvesting: Off-Grid 10W-100kW 2016-2026 is the title of a new IDTechEx report examining a newly significant off-grid energy market.
Electric Vehicles Research
Jun 18, 2015
Electric vehicle power electronics: divergent approaches

Electric vehicle power electronics: divergent approaches

The power electronics business as applied to electric vehicles is becoming so huge that very divergent approaches become viable.
Electric Vehicles Research
Jun 5, 2015
Fuel cell electric vehicles 2015-2030: surprises continue

Fuel cell electric vehicles 2015-2030: surprises continue

This article shares some of the findings of the new IDTechEx Research report, Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles 2015-2030: Land, Water, Air and some of what will be discussed in the forthcoming IDTechEx webinar on 9th June.
Electric Vehicles Research
May 15, 2015
Highlights of IDTechEx Show! Electric Vehicles: Everything is Changing

Highlights of IDTechEx Show! Electric Vehicles: Everything is Changing

IDTechEx's Electric Vehicles: Everything is Changing, conference was successfully held during the 28th and 29th of April 2015 in Berlin.
Electric Vehicles Research
Apr 24, 2015
IDTechEx: Invest now in fuel cell vehicles?

IDTechEx: Invest now in fuel cell vehicles?

There is divided opinion on future of traction fuel cells in electric vehicles, though few argue any more that they will power the majority of electric vehicles.
Electric Vehicles Research
Apr 9, 2015
New energy harvesting for vehicles and devices: huge business

New energy harvesting for vehicles and devices: huge business

Energy harvesting is the creation of electricity from ambient energy. IDTechEx Show! covers it all in one place.
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